Divorce Issues: Unreachable Spouse

Going through a divorce is a difficult emotional experience and you will have many issues to deal with, such as dividing property and finding an experienced divorce attorney. One issue that can happen unexpectedly is not being able to locate your spouse. This article examines how to proceed under these circumstances. Service A significant problem regarding a spouse whose location is not known involves serving the divorce papers. When you file for divorce, you are legally required to serve your spouse with documents that let them know the filing has occurred. [Read More]

Create A Last Will And Testament As An Act Of Love

Estate plans allow you to plan for the future, even when you are no longer around. Most people consider the last will and testament to be at the center of a complete estate plan. Even if you don't have anything else but a will, it will matter. Your loved ones will benefit from your forethought and care when you make out a will. Unfortunately, many fail to make even that important step and their families can face unfortunate consequences. [Read More]

Why Hiring a Lawyer Is a Top Priority When Facing Assault Charges

An assault charge refers to an accusation of threatening bodily harm. It can range from a misdemeanor charge where a defendant receives a fine to a felony charge where you can spend several years in prison. Thus, if charged with such a crime, it is crucial to hire an assault lawyer. Self-defense in such a case can be a grave mistake since it can contribute to heftier penalties. Some benefits of hiring an assault lawyer include: [Read More]

Why Partnering With A Criminal Defense Attorney Will Get You A Better Deal

If you're accused of committing an offense such as an assault, drug possession, or homicide, you need to face the jury while prepared. If you don't know the legal processes and technicalities of the justice system, you could lose your case. Thankfully, a criminal defense attorney can help you navigate this system. Here's why partnering with them will get you a better deal: Protection for Harsh Penalties The work of prosecutors is to ensure defendants lose their cases and be sentenced for their crimes. [Read More]