How Could Recent Changes To Maryland's Drunk Driving Laws Affect Your Case?

If you've recently been charged in a Maryland state court with driving under the influence or driving while intoxicated, you may be concerned about the jail sentence (and court costs and fines) that could await you, as well as the potential suspension of your driver's license – especially if this isn't your first offense. A new law that recently took effect could also affect the terms of your sentencing if you're found guilty at trial or accept a plea deal. [Read More]

Working with Limited Driving Privileges After a License Suspension

If you have been charged with a DWI, there is a chance that you could have your license suspended or revoked. Getting your license revoked may depend on the rules in your county, your blood alcohol level, and your prior record. If you are facing license suspension, you may be responsible for several fines, fees, and court costs. The issue is that your license being suspended means that you may have issues driving to work. [Read More]

What To Expect After Being Pulled Over For Suspected DUI

Getting pulled over for suspected driving under the influence (DUI) can be a scary and stressful situation. For many people, a stop for suspected DUI may be their first experience with law enforcement and being arrested, so it's good to know what to expect. In general, after being pulled over for a DUI you can usually expect the following: Sobriety Test In most cases, you will be asked to submit to a sobriety test when you're stopped for suspected DUI. [Read More]

Summer Fun: How To Avoid A DUI While Enjoying Yourself

With the start of the summer season, so many thoughts turn to summer parties and barbecues, many of which will be celebrated with a fresh fruity cocktail or ice cold beer. During the summer, incidents of drinking and driving often skyrocket, especially those days surrounding major holidays. This also means the presence of law enforcement is out in droves to ensure the driving public will be safe. The use of checkpoints and extra officers patrolling the streets should be expected during these peak times. [Read More]